Content Creation

Our main activity is the creation of contents. According to the Communication Plan or the actions agreed with customers, our task is to compose the message they want to convey to their target audience and contextualize it using the languages that conform to the different media such as press releases for newspapers, magazines and online media; texts for social platforms; editorial and/or sponsored content; newsletters and corporate blogs, etc…

Media Relation

Twenty years ago this activity was called press office; today it is identified as «media relations» that is the constant relation we develop on behalf of our Clients with journalists from both the press and online newsrooms, TV and Radio. The aim is to inform them about the new brands that we represent using typical means such as press releases, organization of events and tours, scheduling interviews, positioning of product tests, etc…

Influencer Relationship Management

In parallel of Media Relation activities, the relationship with bloggers and influencers, or Digital PR activities, are increasingly used by those brands which sell mass market products and/or services. Thanks to the knowledge acquired in recent years, our team is able to support customers who want to develop special projects or campaigns dedicated to the world of influencers, identifying and managing directly the most suitable profiles in representing the style of the brand.

Social Media Management

Communication can no longer be limited to Media Relations, but must be properly planned and managed through social platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Twitter and LinkedIn, which have become over time the new sources through which people increasingly inform themselves before buying a product and/or service. The life of a company and its news are also expressed through social profiles and we support our customers, whether B2C or B2B, with the creation and management of content which translates into editorial plans to undertake or maintain this type of path.