Born in 1997, Naper Multimedia supports its clients through the development of communication projects. Our main task is to provide complementary services in a creative and high-impact style to accelerate the achievement of the objectives.

Zoe Perna, founder of the Agency and journalist, leads the team experienced in integrating activities of media relations, content creation and management of social platforms and implementation of Digital PR projects.


In the construction of our customers communication projects, we follow 5 fundamental passages






our History

Long but not enough. We were born in 1997 and we have no desire to stop.

our Passion

We love to produce, process and disseminate content using every tool that the world of communication and technology offer us.

our Mission

Tell them what our customers are doing and try to increase their notoriety so that they can create new growth opportunities for them.

our Philosophy

Manage the communication of our customers as if it were ours. Every day is different from the other. Every day is a challenge.